
  1. Label every symmetry you perceive on each image.
  2. Choose which type of symmetry to be labeled first.
  3. Use mouse scroll to zoom in/out the image for more precise labeling.
  4. Click the Submit button or press ENTER to finish current task.
  5. Buttons & Hotkeys:
    1. Click Rotation/Reflection flip switch or press R to toggle between label rotation and reflection.
    2. Click Label/Deletion flip switch or press D to toggle between labeling and deleting.
    3. Click the Undo Last button or press CTRL+Z to undo last Annotation/Deletion.
    4. Click the Reset View button or press CTRL+X center the image and reset zoom.
    5. Click the Clear All button to clear all annotations. Warning: this action cannot be recovered!

How to label Rotational Symmetry Center(s)

How to label a Reflection Symmetry Axis

This study is carried under The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) IRB STUDY00008698, and funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) grant 1909315.